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FBM Foundation assists Rio Grande do Sul communities with donation from FBM Brazil

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The FBM Foundation has shown support for communities in Rio Grande do Sul, with FBM Brazil making a substantial contribution. 

Communities have been hit by natural disasters which caused floods, landslides and extreme weather events, which has led to displacement, as well as destruction of homes and infrastructure. 

With FBM’s support, a donation including 500 grocery baskets, 500 personal hygiene kits and 9,000 litres of water will be delivered and distributed to communities who have been affected by the natural disasters. 

This will be carried out in partnership with Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) in Porto Alegre, with J&T Express Brazil and Correios Sedex Brasil providing transportation. 

The organisation also stated that: ‘Beyond financial assistance, the FBM Foundation recognises the power of awareness and advocacy in driving meaningful change. The organisation aims to raise awareness for additional support from like-minded individuals and organisations through strategic communication efforts.’ 

FBM Group Director Renato Almeida said: “As a foundation deeply rooted in Brazilian heritage, FBM Foundation takes pride in its origins and the rich cultural background of Brazil.  

“We have a legacy shaped by the spirit of proximity, compassion and innovation, so we want to honour its Brazilian roots while embracing a global perspective in its solidarity endeavours.” 

The FBM Foundation has also previously shown support to help victims of the earthquakes which hit Syria and Turkey last year, donating $11,000 to UNICEF and $5,000 to AKUT. 

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