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Khabib Nurmagomedov against working with bookmakers

Khabib Nurmagomedov

Asked why his organisation Eagle FC does not work with bookmakers, Nurmagomedov responded: “We have plenty of good sponsors that we work with and put on events with. We don’t need bookmakers.

“I believe that gambling is more dangerous than alcohol. I think it’s worse to advertise gambling more than alcohol. Bookmakers ruin entire families. How many young guys go on their sites, stay on them, and become addicted?

“Whole families get ruined because of it. You know well how strong of an addiction gambling is. It’s the same as a drug addiction. It would be the same if I were to advertise drugs here. Gambling and drug addiction are on the same level for me.”

The UFC Hall of Fame member continued by noting that sport is the only thing that he wants Eagle FC to promote, explaining that the group pays careful attention to its audience.

“We pay attention to the type of product we give our audience,” he said. “The only thing we promote is sport.

“I don’t want the people that watch us to see alcohol or bookmakers ads. It’s very important to me. I don’t want people to discover a bookmaker from watching Eagle FC, then go on their site and develop an addiction.”

Nurmagomedov’s beliefs follow similar comments from two-time world heavyweight champion boxer Tyson Fury, who in February 2022 claimed he would never support partnerships or advertising within the gambling industry.

In March, however, his father John was appointed as a Brand Ambassador by affiliate Tyson meanwhile partnered with B2B gambling supplier SBTech to become a Brand Ambassador at ICE London three years before his comments about gambling.

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