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Stats strikes M & A deal with Perform


The transaction was enabled through Vista Equity Partners, a firm which specialises in enterprise software, data and technology-enabled businesses.

Dazn Group, Perform’s owner, will receive cash and a minority stake in the newly-formed company.

The combination of Perform’s data and Stats’ AI solutions will help form the core foundation for the new company’s entity, which will be extended across Opta, RunningBall and Watch&Bet.

The transaction is expected to complete in the second half of 2019, once regulatory approvals have been finalised.

Stats CEO Carl Mergele said: “Bringing Perform into the fold will create the most advanced artificial intelligence company in sports, providing deeper, more robust data and insights, which is essential to our global partners.”

Dazn Group CEO Simon Denyer said: “It’s great to welcome a new era for all our content products, B2B partners, and Perform colleagues. Over 12 years, we created a leading global portfolio of content and clients, but the combination of Stats and Perform take the service to a new level of potential for everyone.”

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